
Metal Chiseled Texture Square Bar

Metal Chiseled Texture Square Bar is an attractive choice for balusters, furniture, panels, hand railing, and miscelaneous textured iron work projects.

This quality Metal Chiseled Texture Square Bar design is offered in a wide range of custom sizes and lengths that would be the perfect complement to any indoors or outdoors iron work project with it's unique traditional chiseled texture design.


Standard Metal Chiseled Texture Square Bar sizes are:

Metal Chiseled Texture Square Bar can also be produced out of any metal including Aluminum Chiseled Texture Square Bar, Steel Chiseled Texture Square bar, Brass Chiseled Texture Square Bar, Copper Chiseled Texture Square bar and Iron Chiseled Texture Square Bar

Chiseled Texture Square Bar is produced in over 11 unique and popular textures as shown below.

Wavy HammeredTexture #01
Diamond HammeredTexture #02
ChiseledTexture #04
Chiseled and HammeredTexture #05
Tree BarkTexture #06
Wavy ChiseledTexture #09
Surface HammeredTexture #24
Edge HammeredTexture #03
PebblestoneTexture #07
Surface ChiseledTexture #28
Coined TextureTexture #08